Approximately 5.4 million people have seen my thumb
Some numbers you should know about colon cancer:
• In 2008, colorectal cancer killed 610.000 people, worldwide. That’s more than breast cancer (460.000)
• Once you’ve passed the age of 50, there’s a 1/20 chance you’ll get colon cancer
• It takes about 10 years for colon cancer to grow in your body
• If detected early, there is a 95% cure rate
So there’s this tester, right?
As easy as a pregnancy test, but then to check yourself for colon cancer.You can personally check if there’s something wrong with your bowel system and if you need to be checked by a professional. Hardly anyone knew about this. The Colon Cancer Foundation of Belgium asked us to bring the cure to the people of Belgium. So we did.
Angelina Jolie is a figurehead of preventing, and standing up for breast cancer. It was on the front-page of almost every international paper, website and news channel. This gave us the idea to do the same with Brad Pitt – her husband at the time being – and the colon cancer-test as his 50th birthday was coming up. If only he would test himself with the quick test and tell the world about it.
Therefore – We send Brad Pitt a letter.
And another one. And another one. We’ve sent 10 letters, with a test to almost every location he’d get mail from. Even Angelina’s fanclub. Not only did we sent physical letters, we’ve also made an open letter for anyone to read on
A total of approximately 5.4 million people have heard about this small tester now.
The results were tremendous. The media started picking up. Even on the national news! Yet, no reaction from mister Pitt himself. So we decided to give it another buzz through Thunderclap. An online social media tool to create a buzzword as a trending topic. Almost 1.25 million people supported our goal to not only safe our dear Brad Pitt, but also with the message that anyone can test himself. People including the celebrities, politicians, Italian football heroes. After this thunderclap the message was picked up by numerous websites in the whole wide world.